Monday, November 20, 2006

Continued Studies - 06/15/2006



David A. Archer




General Philosophy


02/16/2006 ~ 07/19/2006


Again considering the disjointed aspects between the modern "speed" and the plethora of intent - a person can see where it has effected depth of understanding and appreciation as well.

It is now possible for people to reach incredibly influential posts and positions - stations within society - armed with only a template of sorts - of "proper" things to say to "gain."

It is very much that through this, in a metaphor - there is this immense area in which to exist - but everyone crams themselves into one "small room of the estate" so to speak. thinking it "the way" or only way to go in that sense.

this has resulted in many ill effects, one of which being the opportunity of other influences to utilize the ignorance within such posturing to impose further false standards and "rules" which "ain't rightly so," through "none being subjected to them would know the difference," given that their perspective is entirely tailored by those perhaps not with all the knowledge they claim to have - but certainly more than those they are directing - whether it is actual information or that which seems to "work" so to speak.

it would seem that this has created a dynamic of lesser and lesser options through the progression of parroting - "this works" - dynamic, as such is propagated and imposed.

When considering it, this might not be all bad, as it were - considering that the speed of such possible "rise to power" has fewer checks and balances in regard to other areas of existence within the modern day. Sadly though from my perspective, as I have stated, such seems to have mutated into the passing of ignorance in manners such as "I had to do it this way, so you do too" type of thing, where in all reality beyond that extended set of fabricated standards, much more is quite possible - though perhaps not welcomed in the hands of excited inexperience driven with greed or some other ambitious ploy.

Admittedly, from what I can tell, such inexperience being introduced in a "gradual" (normal) manner is very much integral if not vital to the larger process itself.

Again it would seem that the speed of modern existence has stifled such progressions in that way as well, along with making the otherwise "standard" progression less and less existent due to both the ease of the "incarceration" method and reactions from things such as jealousies within the shallow and short sighted ignorance of such modern methods - each worried as much about their "gain" within that modern dynamic than anything else, which then equates to a rather interesting motion within that speed.

I see where such loss is a detriment for obvious reasons, but as well for one which may hasten problems due to stagnation - if left unchecked. this being that at any level of society it is very much important to have some grounded reference to an "every day" existence - this being especially so in those positions of decision making which have become more and more isolated within that modern speed and dynamic.

Though it sounds a bit sadistic, it could be that allowing for such jealousies manifest in what seems would be controlled ways (given the limited aspect of the modern "consumer mentality"), would actually be healthy in some ways in maintaining a "touch with life" which can be easily lost when a person finds themselves in a position having everything they have ever wanted.

This "promoted jealousy" dynamic seems as though it could serve as a healthy (controlled) form of social energy, as well. Meaning that it would most definitely keep things from stagnating in various ways, at several levels as the progression continued in a "standard" fashion.

With the advent of such "social heights" within the modern speed of society - in whichever manner and course such is attained - those "normal" progressions are fewer and fewer. Many times being supplanted in social ploys with those having the "answer sheet" waiting in the wings to say the proper things to the "status quo" - not coincidentally being comprised mostly of those having found such station in similar, "instant" ways.

this seems as though it basically bypasses an otherwise integral and substantial part of the entire process.

another detriment which occurs to me with the "faster ascension" possibility, is that the decisions will tend to gravitate more and more to serve those ends - with little or no concern for the standards of society - with less and less considerations for what we would consider "longevity" within that faster dynamic - which in reality, would be quite normal spans of consideration otherwise - as well as the lack of depth in understanding which used to come of experience and was usually present to some degree when those stations were attained.

Now, such "depth of understanding" seems more conditioned to those other aspects I have been addressing.

It seems that this also stimulates a level of "panic" and concerns which did not used to exist - given the ease within that "speed" to ascend, it then poses a problematic aspect in finding those absent aspects for longevity which would normally have arisen in a less frantic atmosphere.

I have touched on this aspect a bit, though from a different perspective with the intention of actually utilizing that inexperience in a way so as to perhaps bolster part of the dynamic result which has otherwise been lost. One example of such explorations was in the "inversion example" pertaining to the progression of judges. either in total or as a partial inception; Actually posting younger graduates in higher profile positions to judge law, and then having their "progression" lead them back to smaller communities - then draped in the experience of their careers for said communities benefit.

This as I recall, was toying with the idea of bringing such "wisdom" back into the communities instead of just "holding it on high" so to speak, as well as utilizing the vigor and inexperience in ways similar to what I have described in regard to the result in modern "pace." Perhaps even as high as a chair on the Supreme court, and then strewn through out the higher level court systems to begin their careers - all with the intention of returning to their communities to "practice" in that "twilight wisdom" which currently is housed, as I have stated, "on high."

A continuing series as such could prove rather interesting. That is of course, unless it turned into an "automated ride" with the speedy dynamic of our day, occupied with only a certain "sort" being chosen for obvious reasons within such tendencies.

In some ways this is actually using much of what "Faguet" had explored, in a real sense - though not entirely as a fulcrum point within the larger motion and structure. It relates to utilizing "ignorance" most definitely, but more so in the manner of "ignorance" being inexperience in those circles as opposed to ignorance of some removed meaning... though, as I have expressed, there are aspects of that form in use that seem would render incredible results, as well.

Perhaps those being chosen for such "progression" would need to be bound by contract to actually endeavor to return to said communities - this simply to counter the existing and obvious temptations of our modern pace and to stifle the "grandeur" of serving respectively "high" posts so early on in their lives and careers.


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